Peronnally I like the M16A4, but you might not agree. Try putting a holographic sight/ red dot sight on it, if you don't like the cold steel. The M16A4 is a headshot killing machine!
Well i don't think so as i think fmj will only work on the assualt rifle not the shotgun
The assault riffle with the best accuracy and a great fire rate. But it is in the low damage group of assault riffle.
i like the one in halo combat evolved the best cuz it has the most shots but all assault rifles are amazing and cool the was no assault rifle in halo 2 but bungie put in the smg instead which is suppost to be the assault rifle
A true "assault rifle" that can be transferred legally will run you 10000 and up.
The one that you have.
The best you can afford.
Try going on 3rd person team tactical with a Scar-H which should be in your assault rifle menu depending on your rank.
In simple terms, there is no ONE best. Different rifles have different characteristics, and it is a matter of opinion. All assault rifle's are created for multiple purposes. No one assault rifle is the best in all characteristics, but there are rifles like the PSD assault rifle that has more punch and still a normal recoil. no weapon is perfect, but some are balanced and are very good.
Its a matter of opinion but i would say the ACR with HearBeatSensor and AGOC Scope.
Assault rifle.
an assault rifle with a grenade launcher aka a noob tube and rocket launchers some say these are alsoACRAA12knifeknife only in constant use
The Best assault rifle, is the R-533 The Best sniper is actially the Janas, even though it's not the last one, trust me, it is The Best MG isi by far the Kp-45