Well, it depends on what you're asking. If you want something as suitable for a squirrel as it is for a bear, it doesn't exist. You need to clarify how you define 'best'.
It all depends on what you are hunting.
I dont believe in all around hunting gun. It depends on the game you are after. a magnum .300 rifle would cover most of your hunting needs. A three way tie between a .22 rimfire rifle, a shotgun, and some kind of centerfire rifle that you shoot well. The combination on these three would do you well in most of the world. (but not for dangerous game, say in Africa.)
You will usually find this range of scope on a centre fire rifle. As to what specific calibre of rifle, you can't pin point it. This is a pretty all-around scope that is good for varmit hunting, deer hunting and even big game hunting.
You mean "What is the best air rifle on the market. This is all a matter of your personal opinion. It all depends on the intended use.As an example if you want hunting power, then I suggest purchasing a "Sam Yang .50 caliber dragon claw" It will cost you around $600. If you want accuracy, then select the Olympic air rifle "Feinwerkbau." It will only set you back $3750. If you want versatility them I suggest an "Airforce Condor" the average cost is around $1000.All of these air rifle require a support system that usually runs around an additional $350.The selection is yours. These are considered amoung the best in air rifles.
remington 870 12 gague
hasn't been around long enough
Squirrel Hunting is a very fun type of hunting. Commonly, you use a .22 rifle, Shotgun, or a High-Powered Pellet Rifle to hunt Squirrels. If you are new to hunting, I would recommend Squirrel hunting before big game. It will allow you to get used to small animals and small calibers before you move up to the big stuff. It is fun to go out with friends with small rifles and Squirrel hunt. To me, the most fun type of hunting is deer or duck hunting, where stealth is important. The two types of ways I hunt squirrel is walking around in the woods with a shotgun, or sitting by a tree with a .22 rifle or Pellet rifle. Try other types of hunting too, they are all different and fun in there own ways.
Opinons vary. Rule of thumb is to buy the best you can afford. Nikon, Burris, Leopold, Nightforce, Kahles, etc. all make fine optics.
Game of all size and shape is hunted, and the calibre varies in accordance with what it is you're hunting. If you're hunting elk, you're not going to use the same calibre you would hunt squirrel with, and vice versa. A hunting rifle is simply a rifle which is used for hunting - that in itself doesn't determine what's being hunted, and it would be impossible to determine an average calibre, given that not every hunting rifle was a purpose built rifle - some hunters, for example, used decommissioned military rifles such as the SKS.
Many states allow rifle hunting. just check out any states hunting website and you will find your answer. I know most Midwest and west states allow rifle hunting. In the east, nc, sc, ga, western VA, tn, KY, pa, fl. As far as shotguns in the east, NJ, NY, MA, and OH are shotgun only...
well hunting rifle is a relitive term most people shoot something like a bolt action with a five round magazine. i have seen hunting rilfes that weigh anywhere from 6 pounds dry to 25 lbs dry it all depends on what you are doing if you are hiking a lot and moving i recommend a light rifle if you are sitting in one spot all of the time you can get away with a heavier rifle but if you don't have a clue what you are doing i would go with a Remington 700 adl with a 24 inch barrell in probably 270 which will put you right about 9 pounds that is what i shoot and i pack for 20 per day so i would go with that =-=-=-=-= If my rifles get heavier than about 7-8lbs I no longer enjoy toting them around the farm all day for hunting groundhogs. ---------- Yes alas why i didn't say a toting 25 pound rifle
Hunting has been around since the first man on earth was around. that is all i could say.