100-1000 USD depending on EXACTLY what you have.
The Rohrbaugh Company claims to make the smallest 9mm semi auto (The R9). There are companies that produce very small single shot 9mm pistols.
You will have to go to a licensed dealer.
No- and potentially dangerous if it DID fire. The 9mm is shorter (19.15mm vs 22.86mm) The .38 Auto is a semi rimmed case, 9mm Parabellum is rimless. .38 Auto has a maximum pressure of 26,500 psi, the 9mm 35,000 psi.
Depending on condition, $300-$400.
I suggest you look up your particular model in a reference such as "Gun Trader's Guide"
Iver Johnson made the semi auto carbine in .22cal from 1985-1990.They made the Magnum semi auto carbine in .22mag.from 1985-1990.They made the Plainsfield semi auto carbine in .30 carbine,or 9mm Para. from 1978-1993.During this time span they also made a Paratrooper semi auto carbine.I hope this helps.
A semi auto pistol in either 45, 38, 7.65 or 9mm
$100 or less. Parts are unavailable and very few of them actually work.
The AB9 is a semi auto pistol. It is essentially a Tec 9, redesigned to be compliant with the 1994 Clinton gun ban, by removing certain cosmetic features.
1974; Hi Power; 50-500 USD