94 years old, +/- 20. If twist steel barrels and side hammers, more likely (but not absolutely) prior to WWI. If fluid steel and a boxlock (back hammers or hammerless) ALMOST certainly after c. 1905.
it's an 1850 american gun co. double barrel shotgun made in baltimore maryland
try numrich gun parts
Try e-gunparts.com
yes you can
Made by the Crescent Firearms Co. If it is marked as AMERICAN GUN CO, it would be 1905-1922. If marked as CRESCENT FIREARMS is would be 1922-1930.
how to tell the age of a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun made by American Gun Company?
If your shotgun has Damascus barrels,then by all means do not fire modern smokeless ammo through your shotgun.I would have your shotgun looked at by a qualified gunsmith before attempting to fire any ammo through a shotgun of this age.
The exact value of a John M Smyth Co Faultless Goose Gun shotgun would actually be dependent on a couple different factors. Some of these factors would include the age and condition of the shotgun.
Crescent Arms made 100's of inexpensive guns under several brand names. American Gun Co was one of them.
You can try these sources. Your shotgun was made by the Crescent Firearms Co. of Norwich, Conn. Look there, too. Numrich gunpartscorp.com Jack First jackfirstgun.com Bob's Gun Shop gun-parts.com You can try these sources. Your shotgun was made by the Crescent Firearms Co. of Norwich, Conn. Look there, too. Numrich gunpartscorp.com Jack First jackfirstgun.com Bob's Gun Shop gun-parts.com
Made by Crescent Fire Arms Co, 1893-1932. Worth $150-$250 depending on condition.