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Your gun was made between 1920 and 1948.

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Q: What is the age of a Stevens Springfield shotgun?
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How do you find out the age of your Springfield firearm?

First you have to determine what kind of "Springfield" you have. It could be a US military arm from the Springfield Armory dating to sometime before the Civil War or a new sporting arm from Springfield, Inc., but most likely it is a shotgun made by J. Stevens Arms or the Stevens Division of Savage Arms.

What is the age of a J Stevens Arms Company Springfield Model 94B shotgun?

model 94B Stevens plastic stock was mfg in 1950. Stevens uded letter code starting with A in 1949 until P in 1969.

What is the age of a 12 gauge J Stevens Arms Company double barrel hammerless Springfield shotgun with the number 569xx on all parts?


What is the age and value of a proof tested 12 gauge 2 3-4 inch chamber Springfield 94a shotgun manufactured by J Stevens Arms Company Chicopee Falls Mass?

The age of your Springfield model 94a shotgun will be between 1926-1945.Stevens made 934,000 of these shotguns during that time span.The value will be between 40-75 dollars on today,s market.

What is the age of a twenty gauge Springfield single barrel shotgun manufactured by J Stevens Arms Company in Chicopee Falls Mass?

Sometime between 1920 and 1948.

What is the value of a Springfield J Stevens arms 20 gauge shotgun number on barrel is 94B?

The Springfield J Stevens arms 20 gauge shotgun, barrel number 94B is valued at $175 in top condition. Fair condition value is $75.

What is the value of a 1914 Springfield double barrel shotgun made by J Stevens Company?

The value of a 1914 Springfield double barrel shotgun made by J Stevens depends on its condition. This model in excellent condition is valued between 599.99 and 699.99 as of 2014.

How old is your shot gun springfield mod 67h ser no a146074?

The Springfield/Stevens model 67 shotgun dated from 1986-1989.

How can you find the model of a Springfield shotgun?

The model number is stamped on the right side of the receiver on many Stevens products.

What is value of Stevens 335 shotgun?

The value of a Stevens 335 shotgun would actually be dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors would be the age and condition of the shotgun.

Was Springfield shotgun bought early 60's made by savage it is a 12 Ga?

Springfield was a trade name used by J Stevens Arms Co. The name was used by Savage after they bought Stevens in 1920 but it was discontinued in 1948.