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Q: What is more poweful 22wmr better then a 38 bullet?
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It is a more poweful & reliable engine than RD93 ... So, the answer is Yes !!

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Can a 22wmr and 22magnum be fired from a 22lr?

No. Not only more powerful and longer, they are larger in diameter, and will not fit.

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God because he is definitaly more poweful.

Which is better a heavyer bullet or a lighter bullet?

You'll get more energy from a heavier cartridge than a lighter cartridge in the same calibre, but which is better sort of depends on your own criteria. Is overpenetration and issue, for example.

Is a ak74 better than a ak47 on black ops?

The ak74 is deffinetaly the better choice better rate of fire and better accuracy. However 1 bullet of the ak47 does more damage than 1 bullet of the ak74. So ak47 is mainly for hitpoints and ak 74 is better for fire rate and accuracy.

What would better stop a bullet a cow or a car?

The only time that a car will stop a bullet is if you are in Hollywood, or have an armour-plated vehicle. A cow interposing itself between the bullet and yourself would reduce it velocity significantly more.

When was One More Bullet created?

One More Bullet was created in 2007.

Japanese have better quality of life?

in some ways yes they have the bullet train and they have a more technology knowledge then most countries and they have good baseball teams even better they have more noticeable attractions then the USA

What is more powerful than a bullet?

A bomb is more powerful than a bullet its obvious

Which is better ak47 or m4?

m4 <><><> You would have to define better. The M4 has a greater range, the AK a heavier bullet, the M4 a faster bullet, you can carry more ammo for an M4, the AK needs less maintenance, the M4 has a higher rate of fire- and so on.

What is the difference between a 40 grain bullet and a 36 grain bullet?

The difference between a 40 grain bullet and a 36 grain bullet lies in their weight. The 40 grain bullet is heavier, which can result in higher velocity and potentially better accuracy due to increased stability. However, the 36 grain bullet may have a flatter trajectory due to its lighter weight.