Both are fine weapons. What will make it "better" for you is subjective.
If you want an opinion, I personally would go with the Ruger because it's caliber is .45acp, plus, Ruger has a reputation for building their weapons like tanks.
Impossible to answer without seeing you in person.
The Book of Colt Firearms. History of Smith and Wesson. Standard catalog of Smith and Wesson. Ruger, the man and his guns.
I know smith and Wesson sells them and maybe ruger. not so sure on ruger
Part failure/out of spec. Get it to a qualified gun smith ASAP.
Browning, Colt, Ruger, Smith and Wesson, Walther, Hammerli
There are several. Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger are 2 of the larger one.
Remington, Mossberg, Colt, Springfield Arms and Smith & Wesson
Could be a Colt, Smith and Wesson, Ruger or any of a dozen other makers.
Thompson, Maxim, Colt, Browning, Ruger, Smith and Wesson, Calico, Heckler and Koch, Walther to name a few
Any of the major manufacturers produce good quality revolvers. Smith & Wesson, Colt, Ruger, Taurus, Dan Wesson. Less expensive guns are frequently of lower quality, and less durable.
A shotgun made for Smith and Wesson, sold under the Smith and Wesson name.
Smith & Wesson Holding Company Symbol SWHC Sturm Ruger Symbol RGR Olin Corporation Symbol OLN