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Q: What is a narrow bladed cutting tool?
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What is a bladed tool for cutting limbs?

A machete is a bladed tool commonly used for cutting limbs or vegetation. It is a versatile tool often utilized for clearing paths or preparing firewood in outdoor settings.

What is a bladed tool use for cutting limbs that starts with a m?


What is a padsaw?

A padsaw is a type of narrow-bladed saw used especially for cutting curves.

What is the heavy bladed tool used for cutting meat called?

You are probably refering to a meat cleaver.

What is a flint-bladed sickle?

A flint-bladed sickle is a cutting tool used in prehistoric times for harvesting crops. The blade of the sickle is made of flint, a type of hard, sharp sedimentary rock, which provided the cutting edge needed for farming activities.

What is a bladed tool?

a saw

What is a bistoury?

A bistoury is a narrow-bladed surgical knife.

What is a tool that should be avoided when cutting curly hair?

A circular saw is probably not a good tool for cutting curly (or any other kind of) hair. You might want to narrow your question down a bit.

What word is for the definition bladed digging tool?

A shovel...?

What is a jigsaw cutter?

A jigsaw is a hand held electrical tool with a narrow saw blade, used for cutting timber, the narrow blade allows the cut to turn corners, or cut intricate pattern's

Why is a knifemade of metal?

A steel bladed knife will hold a sharp cutting edge.

What is a palindrome for a small narrow boat propelled by a double bladed paddle?
