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Q: What is a CMC double barrel Black powder pistol worth?
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How much is a old black powder only 45 cal long barrel pistol worth?

What is the value of 4 barrel CMC black powder pistol?


4 barrel CMC black powder pistol?

You haven't asked a question.

What happens if you put to much powder in your black powder revolver?

Chances are that if you overload the charge in a revolver style black powder pistol, you can blow up the cylinder or blow the barrel off the end of the gun.

What is the value of a jukar Spain 45 black powder pistol serial?

what is the value of a jukar black powder pistol 007806

What does the letters BB stamped on a Colt 45 frame and barrel mean?

are you sure it's not BP for black powder ??? it means barrel bushing, the pistol is a transition between colt 1911 commercial and series 70. your pistol was probably made in 1969.

P Streignard Black Powder Double Barrel Pistol?

I have found out that P. Streignard was a Firearms maker in Liege Belgium during the years 1820 through 1840. He specialized in finely engraved and incise carved Percussion pistols.

Is a 1843 colt black powder pistol engraved by w l ormsby serial number 49844 an original or a replica?

read what is on the barrel. it will tell you who made...................

Do you need a pistol permit to buy a black powder pistol in NC?


Can you buy a black powder pistol on line in Washington?


Can 451 ball double barrel muzzle loader leinad be converted to a 410 double barrel judge?

NO, not safely anyway. the black powder guns use a much larger barrel pivot pin that their firearm counterparts. to switch from the black powder to accept a 410 barrel you would have to drill out the pivot pin hole on the .410 barrel to accept the larger pin, the black powder barrel support arm is thicker, to account for this....the .410 barrel support arm will become to thin from the drilling making it prone to creak or break.... need anything leinad related? guns, parts, kits, pictures, advice? contact me.

How much powder do you put in a traditional black powder pistol?

Depends on the caliber. A .45 caliber pistol uses about 40 grains of black powder. Contact the maker's website and download the owner's manual for YOUR gun.