depending on the amount of original finish remaining and a good bore,the value is between 250-650 dollars.
Pre or Post War? Pre
I have pre world war Japanese dollars in $100,$10, and $5. Are they are worth anything? or how do I find out the worth?
100-1000 usd
World war 1 lasted from 1914-1918. So it lasted for 4 years!
Pre-war means before the war, and post-war means afterwards. Usually these refer to the Second World War, so pre-war is before 1939 and post-war is after 1945.
How much is a Browning Sweet 16 gold trigger shotgun worth?
Contact Browning Customer Service through their website. Some records of pre WW 2 guns were lost during the war.
Beginning with Serial Number 1 to approximately 228,000. Exact production figures are not available. Year of manufacture on Pre-World War II production is strictly a guess. With the serial number that you provided,your Browning sweet sixteen shotgun was made in the year 1961 by FN of Belguim for Browning.
what was the lesson learned in world war one
World War I started in 1914. "Pre-World War I" may refer to anything before World War I; it is not a precisely defined time period. In other words, this period obviously ends in 1914, but there is no precise starting date.
yes gears was a good game