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Usually, smaller calibers are a little easier to pull, but that is just a rule of thumb. Any gun have have a tighter trigger pull. You can take them to the smith and have them adjusted to be a lighter or heavier pull.

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Q: What guns have an easy trigger pull?
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How do you shoot a paintball gun?

On most if not all paintball guns you would have to pull the trigger with the safety off.

What is automatic fire single?

Electric guns are either Fully automatic: shooting bbs constantly as long as the trigger is pulled, or semi: shooting 1 bb per trigger pull. rarely an airsoft gun will have a burst fire, with 3-5 bbs per trigger pull. Spring guns require re-cocking after each shot.

Do paintball guns shoot one at a time?

Most guns are semi automatic, meaning that for each trigger pull, one shot is released. other are pump action, requiring a pump before each shot, and some are fully or have ramping automatic, which fire multiple per trigger pull.

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Pop guns produce a "POP" sound when you pull the trigger because a small hammer activated by the trigger releases with stress onto small explosives which explode on impact which makes the "POP" noise.

How do you adjust the trigger on a model 700 Remington?

It is very easy to adjust the trigger on a Model 700 Remington. Remove the rifle from the stock and there is 3 small screws you can adjust. One is for the lbs. of trigger pull, which be careful you don't make it so easy it's a hair trigger and could go off just by the jar from closing the bolt. The other is to adjust the length of trigger pull.

How do you use airsoft guns?

First you have to find the right sized bb's for it and then load it into the cartridge and then cock it... point... and pull the trigger

What is the point of martial arts if you have a gun?

Many people don't carry guns. Guns can mis-fire and run out of ammunition. The time it takes to pull, remove safety/chamber a round, pull the trigger, you could already be in trouble.

How easy is it to Shoota paintball gun?

All you have to do is pull a trigger, so it is very easy, almost effortless, to shoot a paintball gun.

What does repeater mean with BB guns?

A Repeater fires a shot each time you pull the trigger and will fire every time you pull the trigger until all the BB's are gone, It just keeps "REPEATING". A Single shot must be reloaded between shots

What is the difference in an automatic and semi automatic rifle?

Automatic = pull and hold the trigger to fire multiple shots. Some guns are limited to a 3-round burst per trigger pull and some will empty the magazine. Semi-automatic = pull the trigger and fire one shot. The spent shell will be ejected and the next cartridge will be loaded into the chamber, but the trigger must be released and pulled again to fire each subsequent shot.