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Q: What gun and ammo cos are publickly traded?
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Related questions

Can you put too much ammo in an air soft gun?

Yes. Loading in too much ammo can actually jam your gun.

What are the release dates for Tales of the Gun - 1998 Bullets and Ammo?

Tales of the Gun - 1998 Bullets and Ammo was released on: USA: 1999

Can you shoot a gun without ammo?

No, and you can't drive a car with no fuel. A gun is a device to launch ammunition. You can "dry fire" a gun with no ammo, but that is not good for SOME guns.

Where can you buy 9mm ammo in seattle?

Gun shops, gun shows

What is considered a reasonable price to pay for a gun and ammo?

dont know what gun your talking abought and dont know what ammo your talking a bought their is all kinds of guns ammo all diffrent prices

How do you get unlimited ammo for ray gun?

Buy it

Can Blank ammo work on a real gun?

It can.

Is it ok to leave gun and ammo in cold trunk for 12 hours approx 30 degrees?

It should be fine as long as the ammo isn't in the gun.

Does it matter what kind airsoft ammo you use?

Yes I have a bunch of airsoft gun's and i have used ammo that is the wrong size... and i clogged the gun and had to take it apart to get it out.

How do you get upgraded ammo in Black Ops for PlayStation 3?

You can only get upgraded ammo from Max ammo, or from where you bought your gun off the wall.

How do you find out what ammo is safe for my 380 hammerless?

Ask at your local gun shop where you purchase your ammo.

What ammo do i use for my 380 hand gun?

380 auto. Many good brands of ammo out there.