Example sentence - The gun had a trigger guard on it for safety reasons.
The trigger guard is available from Numrich Gun Parts. There are two different types of trigger guards for the Savage 6d. The plastic guard that has a inletted area for the trigger guard in the stock and the simple bent metal trigger guard that just screws into the stock wood. Plastic trigger guard is product # 103530U $24.10 Metal guard is product # 10543OAL $11.50
Try gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, want ads.
Try e-gunparts.com
Gun shops,garage sales,gun shows,E-bay etc.
Try gun shows, e-gunparts.com, Shotgun News, Gun List, your local gun shop
I would start my search at Numrich Gun Parts Corp.
Answer If the gun has a cross bolt safety, it means that it was converted by Browning. This gun was made with the safety in the front of the trigger guard. Many times the gun would be converted and the new trigger was blued. If your safety is in the front of the trigger guard, then best explanation would be that it was replaced from repair, or that the gun was refinished. A sweet 16 that came from the factory at FN would be rare not to have a gold trigger. The answer is most likely something else besides a mistake from FN. If it's important to you, contact Browning and see if you can have them plate or replace your trigger.
Yes and it dates the gun at 1939
That gun should be a Mossberg 183K. For parts, try: Numrich gunpartscorp.com Jack First jackfirstgun.com Bob's Gun Shop gun-parts.com
Small metal plate, just forward of the trigger guard, bottom center of the gun.
No serial number provided