Spool pins are used on sewing machines to hold the spool of thread. Most or vertical, some that are horizontal use a spool cap to secure the spool of thread. Some machine come with spool nets to cover the spool to ensure the thread enter the machine evenly. Some machines come with an extra spool pin that fits into a small hole on the top of the machine to hold a second spool of thread.
No, French knitting does not originate from France. It is also known as spool knitting or corking, and is a type of knitting where yarn is looped around pins on a spool to create cords or tubes. The name "French knitting" may be a misnomer that led some to believe it originated in France.
Adaptor cones are used to stop large cones of cotton moving or tipping on the pins designed for standard spools.
A spool of thread is very cheap. Spools of thread can be as cheap as a dollar or less a spool.
Emma Spool was created in 1982.
A real reel is a genuine spool.
That spool is just the right size for my project.
If you are talking about a diff. A mini spool replaces the planetary gears in the diff centre. A full spool replaces the whole centre except the crown wheel.
They are all metal except for a fiber gear in the handwheel and these(from what I have read and been told very rarely go bad. Oh, and the spool pins are plastic.
a spoolcase is something that you use in sewing or when you sew you put the spool into a spoolcase but you must make sure the spool is filled up with thread then you can start sewing only if you have a long piece of thread in the spool!!
SPOOL Stands Simultanious Peripheral Operation Online. Lookz
Jared Spool was born on 1960-12-08.