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Q: What does the deadshot daquri on blackops zombies?
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Does of duty 3 have zombies?

no only world at war and blackops have zombies mode

Why did i lose deadshot daiquri in black ops 2?

When you die in Zombies, you do not keep your perks.

How do you get better at blackops?

By using different tactics every time you play a round if its either multiplayer or zombies.

How do you get god mode in blackops zombies for wii or atleast unlimited ammo?

Those are hacks and mods to the game and are not available

What are gibs in blackops 2?

limbs of zombies that have fallen off, legs, arms, etc, before they have died. -Snooze.

When you find all the stones on call of duty blackops nazi zombies What is that girls name that sings the song?

Elena Siegman.

How did the First World War lead to World War 2?

the zombies from the blackops got out of the game and turned on them,so team delta went out with fire

Is the desert eagle the new blackops 2 zombies pistol?

I'm sorry but I don't think i have seen any proof of it. Bit i really want it to.

What is a good strategy for Blackops zombies?

Rape Train. Rape Training is a strategy in which you basically run around in circles hoarding the zombies together, then shooting the zombies with a weapon that gives you a lot of points (for example the MP5K). It is good to keep a wonder weapon in case you mess up the rape train. This technique can get boring but it is the most efficient way to play Nazi Zombies.

What are the perks in black ops zombies?

juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,

When was Deadshot created?

Deadshot was created in 1950.

Does anyone have a redeem codes that has not been used for the blackops WaW zombies maps for ps3 please?

You will soon be able to buy the maps with the Rezurrection Map Pack expected to be released for the PS3 on September 22 2011