Inspiration: God War Angel Pyro Bazooka AKA47 Light Super Mega If the username you chose is already in use, then: write o as 0 write a as @ write e as 3 write a "h" after a word, like bazookah or megah.
not smarter dan me aka47....lil chapo from guadalajara jalisco nieto de pancho villa y miembro de los zetas y no soy joto pinches michoacanos de mierda y tambien miembro de la pandilla nortenos nuestra killa
The musket, i'll use a gun you use a bow, who wins ? The answer above is a common misconception, whilst a musket or harquebus as the SpanIsh had then is great in a one on one situation, they are very slow to reload and useless when you are outnumbered as the conquistadors were. The Horse and Steel were Cortes best weapons.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios
Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''
What does GRI mean? What does GRI mean?
he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension