A model 1200 made by Browning is unknown. No such model exists. Winchester made a model 1200 Shotgun, perhaps that's what you are looking for.
No such model in the Browning line.
What model is the Browning? Get the model & serial # and look it up here. http://www.browning.com/services/dategun/index.asp
The Remington 241 (after the model 24) is browning design and look the same, the 241 was last made in 1949.
It would look exactly like 1200. You couldn't tell the difference.
There are some picture on the browning web site
Since you did not provide the serial number, you will need to call Browning or visit their webiste to look it up.
The Browning website has production data, broken down by model. Look under Customer Service.
Go to Proofhouse.com and look at the Winchester sn data. No Proofhouse does not give serial info on the Model 1200 only the dates of manufacture from 1964 to at least 1984
left side of barrel usually
It will depend on the specific model and its condition. A quick look at the GunsAmerica.com site shows Browning Sweet 16 shotguns listed for anywhere from $650 to $2500.
"Para ka model" is the phrase in Tagalog which means "you look like a model".
Like hexane model here.