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The "jib" is the leading sail on a blow boat (sail boat). It determines your course, therefore is your guide. When someone likes the cut of your "jib" they are telling you that they see a person who is heading in the right direction and that they trust will do the right thing.

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Q: What does I like the cut of your Jib mean?
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What is a slotted head sail?

It is a jib or fore sail that has a slot cut into it.

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Do WWE use real blood?

Some people Jib (cut themselfs or use blood packs) Others get really cut

How do you say house in Korea?

It's jib. Long i strong b, sort of like "jeeb" kind like the car, JEEP. It's a generic word for house, home, or place of residence. examples: That's a big jib. Everyone needs a jib. It's late, I'm going to jib (be it rental, apartment, or house).

What exactly is a jib crane?

A jib crane uses a system of pulleys to lift objects as opposed to a lever, like most standard cranes.

What on a sailboat are jib sheets?

The jib's sheet controls the angle of the jib (sail) to the wind. It is attached to the lower end of the jib that is farthest aft.

What nicknames does James Jib Brown go by?

James Jib Brown goes by Jib, and Papa.

What does a boat's J mean?

the J dimension of a sailboat is the length from the forestay attachment on the deck to the mast.for sizing a headsail (jib/genoa) a 100% jib would have an LP (or approximately foot) of J, a #1 jib would have a 155% the length of J.

What is a genoa like?

A genoa is a large jib used on a racing yacht.

What imaginative characters are in the TV show Jibber Jabber?

Captain Jib & Commander Jab Jib Lee & Jabby Chan Captain Jib Beard & Long Jab Silver Jib Man & Jab Boy Sir Duke of Jib & Jabbury Invisible Jib & Invisible Jab Dr Jibberstein & Jabgor

What is a triangular sail set furthest forward on a vessel?

Depending on how it is rigged it could be the jib, Flying jib or spinnaker.The most forward sail is normally called a jib.On vessels with more than one jib, the names of the jibs (from forward to aft) are: Flying jib, Outer jib, Inner jib and Fore (topmast) staysail.