There is a wide disparity. Most of the ranges in this area (Memphis) only hire part time instructors, and you can't make much money. Most of the people that do it here only do it as a hobby, or to make extra money.
If you own a training facility in a good location, you may make a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year...IE: Memphis is a very good location for handgun training, because so many people here have gun permits.
If you own a large nationally known facility such as Thunder Ranch or Gunsite, you can probably make more than that. A class at one of those locations can run as much as a couple of thousand dollars per student.
Mid-Atlantic Firearms Training has some of the best training in Central Maryland. They specialize in pistol and handgun training and offer classes and lessons for beginners through advanced shooters. Instructors are NRA Certified and Maryland State Police Qualified Handgun Instructors.
Mid-Atlantic Firearms Training provides safe and fun handgun training in Maryland and the greater Baltimore area. Instructors are NRA Certified as well as Maryland State Police Qualified Handgun Instructors.
You can find qualified handgun instructors by checking your local phone book or searching on line. Additionally, police departments that issue CCLs (Concealed Carry Licenses) can usually supply you with a list of qualified instructors who can take you through the certification process.
Beginning instructors can expect to earn about $13 to $25 per hour or class, which is about $20,347-$34,392 per year. Once experienced, instructors can command $50 per hour or more. As of May 2008, the BLS reports that instructors working in 'other schools and institutions,' the classification umbrella under which dance studios fall, earn a median annual salary of $37,570.
This answer is dependant on location. Typically in the USA instructors have a day job and instruct in the evenings. A wellk engaged instructor in Florida can expect somewhere in the range of 18 to 24000 a year depending on how many classes they can manage in a month.
Base pay for a salaried instructor is usually $60,000 depending on the center and the equipment assigned. FlightSafety instructors on military contracts earn over 120k per year.
The average for an animator is about $50,000. Check the link
That depends on where you work, and what type of instructor you are. Assistant Instructors earn less that Dinghy Instructors, Senior Instructors earn more. You probably mean a Dinghy Instructor (DI). I am paid £6.37 an hour, for being a DI on a reservoir, so not coastal, but rates vary from club to club. My advice would be to check your local club.
Which handgun law? Georgia, as well as every other state, has hundreds of handgun laws.
Yes, that is what most instructors teach.
@ 1902
It depends on where you are. In the U.S. 11 year old children cannot own a handgun, but it is legal under federal and most states' laws to possess the handgun for legal purposes such as hunting and target shooting.