

What can a 50 caliber gun do?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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It can be used against personnel, inaminate soft targets, or lightly armoured targets.

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What is a 50 calibre gun?

A 50 caliber gun, or more properly, a .50 caliber gun is a firearm having an internal bore diameter of 1/2 or .50 of an inch.

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50. caliber machine gun....period

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No. They will be too large to fit in the gun or be fired out of the barrel.

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See link below to the US Army Field Manual on the Caliber .50 M2 Machine Gun.

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No. The Luger was a 9mm gun and the 50 Desert Eage is a 50 caliber gun. The 9mm round would fall out of the barrel, and if you did manager to get it to fire, you could damage the gun and/or hurt yourself.

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50 caliber for US forces

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The highest caliber machine gun in standard use is the .50 Cal. Gatling guns are used in 20mm caliber. XXXXXXXXX Russia and China use a heavy machine gun larger than the .50 cal BMG- it is the Vladmirov KDV (for the Russians), in caliber 14.5mm x 115.

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try gun shops and gun shows.

Is a 7mm the strongest gun in the world?

Of course not. .50 caliber weapons are.

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