has Winchester serial number tables. has serail number tables for Winchester. Yours will be sometime in the early 1900's has sn data. Nothing
your Winchester model 1894 was made in 1941.
i would be guessing that i dont know anything about the neo serail number
The model number you have netered is invalid. Winchester serail numbers only run from 1 - 5103249. Once you figure out the proper number go here and they will tell you the date of manufacture:
Good condition, anywhere between $7500 and $10 000 if you're lukcy
No serail number = no answer.
Winchester Model 94 Carbine serial number 1524397 was manufactured in the year 1948. The value can only be determined by a visual inspection & evaluation. Bert H.
Made in 1902.
this is the serial number:=5ggg-xr4l-6845-r845-6845=