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Q: What black powder guns need 4473 form?
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Do you need a permit for a black powder pistol in IN?

Yes, Black powder guns are extremley dangerous a licence is definitely needed

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What did they use to fire guns before gunpowder was invented?

black powder

Does the Brady Bill include black powder guns?

No such bill in existence.

What states do not recognize black powder guns are not firearms?

It is FEDERAL Law that classifies black powder weapons as firearms. . . and therefore, prohibited to convicted felons.

How do you convert Newtons to black powder?

I don't think you can because Newton is a unit of measurement of Force while black powder is a substance used in guns.

Did the pilgrims use guns?

yes, if they did it was the old black powder and ball muskets.

How do you find guns that are registered in your name?

It depends on where you are, but the short answer is, you can't. In the U.S. most states do not require registraition, and in the few that do, the information isn't available to the general public, and there is no federal registration. --------------------------- Actually, there is a federal form that everyone from every state has to fill out when you purchase any firearm from a federally liscensed dealer (gunshops) That is form 4473. The dealer has to keep the form for 20 years. The forms must be surrendered to the ATF when you go out of business if it is before the 20 year period. In other words, the dealer you bought the guns from can tell you which guns are registered to you if he is still in business. _____________________ The 4473 form is not the same thing as registration, and any guns that are bought and sold between individuals don't require a 4473 in many states, so the answer to the original question still is, you can't find out what guns are registered to you, because there is no federal registration, and most states don't require it, and in the states that do, the registration database isn't available to the general public.

What element is a black powder?

Black powder is a mixture, not an element. It consists of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur in the ratio 75:15:10. It is used in fireworks and was once used to propel bullets in guns(still used with some antique guns).

What are the compontents of black powder?

Black powder consists of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur in the ratio 75:15:10. In guns, smokeless powder is used which consists mainly of nitrocellulose(also called guncotton).

Belguim oval with elg inside oval?

Belgian proof mark on black powder guns

What was built with hand tools and black powder through solid granite?

Guns were built in the 1800