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Destroying things, killing people, etc.

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Q: What are the uses of bombs?
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Why do nukes go boom?

they are bombs. all bombs go boom. and when connor bowyer uses them, they do

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Uses of phosphorus?

I smaoke bombs and tracer bullets

Who was concerned about the uses of hydrogen bombs?

albert einstein

What are some bad uses for nuclera energy?

some bad uses are nuclear bombs.

Who uses atomic weapons?

The United States has used atomic bombs as weapons .

Are bombs good?

Bombs are simply things and thus have no morality; of themselves they are neither good nor bad. It is the uses humans, which have morality, put them to that are good or bad.

How many wars used atomic bombs?

1 WW2 was the only war to detonate atomic bombs. Pray no one ever uses any again.

How much did the atomic bombs uses in world war 2 cost?

they were 2.000 dollars each

What is the different between atomic bomb and hydrogen bombs?

The main difference between atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs is the source of their energy. Atomic bombs rely on nuclear fission (splitting atoms), while hydrogen bombs use a two-stage process involving both fission and fusion (combining atoms). Hydrogen bombs are more powerful and destructive than atomic bombs.

What is the main weapon that the b-52 bomber uses?

The main weapon of the B-52 is missiles or bombs.

What are some uses for magnesium?

magnesium is used for airplanes, bombs, photography, engine parts, shuttles and rockets.