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Q: What are the causes of gun control?
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Which amendment causes the most friction between gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association?

The Second Amendment is the amendment that causes the most friction between gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association (NRA). Gun control advocates argue for stricter regulations to address gun violence, while the NRA strongly defends the interpretation that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual's right to own and carry firearms. The clash arises due to the differing perspectives on how to balance gun rights and public safety.

A gun control debate when you are pro?

If you are "pro" in the gun control debate, you are for less gun control. In other words, you are "pro-gun".

What is the gun control amendment?

There is no "gun control" amendment.

What is a synonym for against?

opposing.Versus, contra, counter"I am against gun control" could also be phrased "I'm opposed to gun control", "I'm anti-gun control", "I'm an opponent of gun control", "I disagree with the idea of gun control"

What is the best title for an essay of gun control?

Gun Control

Does Italy have gun control?

They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.

Was Ross Perot for gun control?

Yes, Ross Perot is for gun control. He was not a typical Conservative and was pro gun control and pro choice.

Is Idaho pro or against gun control?

It is extremely anti-gun control.

What is a person against gun control called?

A person against gun control. A pro-gun advocate. A pro-2A advocate (in the US).

You have to do an American gun control leaflet thing for a modern studies project where can you find information and pictures and also argument for and against gun control and how do you do it quickly?

type into google gun control usa.

What do people against gun control want to happen to the gun control legislation?

Depends on WHICH gun control legislation you mean. In the US, there are already several thousand "gun control" laws on the books. However, they do not work. They DO keep honest people from being able to defend themselves from criminals.

How Obama feels about gun control?

Obama is a Democrat. Democrats are liberal. Liberals support heavy gun control.