I'm guessing that your question is "What are the basic parts of rifle and shotgun ammo?"Rifle- A rifle cartridge is made up of:PrimerbrasspowderbulletShotgun- A shotgun cartridge is made up of:Primershellpowderwaddingbb's(or slug/other projectile)
a .22 rifle shares the same basic looks of any sporting rifle but they often tend to be smaller. the bullet is very small so large parts found on the centerfire counterparts arent needed
Do a search for High Standard A1041 rifle parts. Numrich gun parts has a good selection of parts for this rifle.
what are the basic parts of an opera
basic components parts Internal parts
show me breakdown &parts for J.C. Higgins 22 cal. rifle
Are you looking for a specific model or action type? Have you tired doing an internet search for "parts of a rifle"?
The basic parts of the sun are CORONA,SUNSPOT,and PROMINENCE.
The armourer.
Numrich gun parts
Depends on the rifle. some have 10, some 50 or more.
Try e-gunparts.com