F itu artinya "Freimark" atau Liscence free di Jerman ketika airgun dibawah 7.5joule dapat diperjualbelikan bebas untuk umur 18th keatas. 911Armory
Where can I find the diagram of a Baikal MP 153
Baikal guns are being imported by Remington under the 'Spartan' name.
yes you can with steel chokes .
LOL. First off, it's an airpistol. No need for one, and no, there isn't one made. It is possible to machine one, yes, but you will have to pay out the butt.
1. Sun Optics USA scope mount for Baikal MP 153. 2. B-Square scope mount for Baikal MP 153.
nope, no lefthand available
The Remington Versa-Max magazine extension tubes (Part#: EXT-VM-12) work on the MP-153. I am not sure if they work on the newer MP-155.
you can adjust the vent on the MP 153 using a spanner socket.