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Nobody knows wheather he was or not, but evidence shows us that he could have been working as the King's incider but the plot in itself at home!

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Q: Was Rober cecil Involved in the Gunpowder plot?
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Robert cecil and the gunpowder plot?

Robert Cecil was the Protestant Minister of England at the time of the Gunpowder Plot. Apparently, he really didn't like Catholics. I hope that helps!

Was the gunpowder plot a terrorist plot or conspiracy?

Conspiracy the plot was set up by Robert Cecil

What was Robert cecil plan?

it was to kill all catholics. his excuse was that the gunpowder plot may have had more people involved i think this is right not too sure :p

Who was behind the gunpowder plot?

A conspiracy theory says Robert Cecil was, to make the Catholics leave the country

Why would Catholics be involved in the Gunpowder Plot?

because the protestants were prosecuting them and oppresing!

What are the Different interpretations of the gunpowder plot?

1. The Catholics were guilty for attempted murder of the King. 2. The Catholics were framed by Robert Cecil.

How was Robert Catesby involved in the gunpowder plot?

He was the leader and he started it all. naughty boy!

Who were the thirteen men involved in the gunpowder plot?

Robert Catesby (leader of the plot) John Johnson Thomas Wintour that is three of the plotters

Was Robert dudley Catholic or protestant?

Robert Cecil was a protestant. He hated Catholics. that is why when the gunpowder plot was going on, he framed Guindo/Guy Falkes

Who was the cellar underneath houses of parliament owned by at the time of the gunpowder plot?

Lord Cecil - one of King James I's most trusted friends!

What is the Gunpowder Plot of 1605?

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is also referred to as the Gunpowder Treason Plot. This plot was a plot to blow up James the First. One can learn more specifics about this plot on the History website.

How did Guy Fawkes gt involved in the gunpowder plot?

Guy Fawkes was a Catholic explosives expert and could set off gunpowder without being killed