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Q: Superposed choke designations marked with a v opposed to an?
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How rare is a 1931 superposed ser. no. 855. to have both 30 in. barrels choke?

30"F was fairly common on early Superposed

How do you tell choke on a browning superposed?

'*' designates full choke (F). '*-' designates improved modified choke (IM). '**' designates modified choke (M). '**-' designates improved cylinder choke (IC). '**$' designates skeet (SK). '***' designates cylinder bore (CYL).

What are the choke indicators on a Belgium Browning superposed lightning 20GA built in 1953?

'*' designates full choke (F). '*-' designates improved modified choke (IM). '**' designates modified choke (M). '**-' designates improved cylinder choke (IC). '**$' designates skeet (SK). '***' designates cylinder bore (CYL).

Will Browning install choke tubes on an older superposed 12 ga shotgun If so How much?

Yes. A lot of choke manufacturers like Briley will also. Check with a gunsmith in your area as some have become really good at it.

How can you tell if a 20ga barrel if full choke if it is not marked?

Take it to a gunsmith.

What is the choke on a Stevens Model 311 Series H Twelve Gauge Shotgun?

They came in various barrel lengths and choke combinations. If it is not marked on the side of the barrel, you will have to pattern the shotgun to determine the choke

Where are the choke markings on browning citori shotguns?

On the choke tubes. It is marked by lines on the front edge of the choke. The more lines the more open the choke. 1 line is a full and goes from there. If it doesn't have tubes, on the inside of the receiver near the bbls.

How can you determine the choke of shotguns?

It should be marked on the weapon either as a word or a combination of symbols.

What is the choke type on a Browning A5 sweet sixteen 9S shotgun?

It will be marked on the weapon.

How do you tell choke of barrel that's not marked on a belgium browning sweet sixteen?

take it to a gunsmith

What choke is used by Harrington Richardson model 120?

You will have to measure the inside diameter of the barrel to find out if it is not marked.

How does one determine the choke on older Browning Belgian-made barrels that are not marked with full or modified?