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a old ww2 bolt action sniper/combat rifle

Springfield made many types of bolt action rifles over a century or so

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Q: Springfield bolt action rifle
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How long is a springfield bolt action sniper rifle?

Depends on the model

What is the value of a Savage Arms springfield model 120 22 bolt action rifle?

A Springfield model 120 22 caliber bolt action rifle can be worth 100$-250$ depending on the year it was made and the condition it is in.

What is the name of the sniper rifle in Brothers In Arms?

The name of the sniper rifle in Brothers in Arms is the Springfield 1903A4 bolt-action rifle.

Did Theodore roosevelt use a gun or bow?

He used a rifle, a M1903 Springfield bolt action 30-06 rifle.

Where can I find a bolt for my springfield 22 bolt action rifle model 53A?

I would first look at numrich gun parts.

Who made the peerless 22 single shot bolt action rifle?

Probably Savage/ Stevens/ Springfield

What would be the value of a Springfield 6 magazine bolt action 22 rifle be?

Roughly $100, depending on condition.

What is the manufacterers date of springfield model 1903 serial?

Cannot be answered without you providing a serial number to your Springfield model 1903 bolt action rifle.

Who made the Springfield model 84 bolt-action .22 rifle?

The Springfield Model 84 was made by J. Stevens Arms Company, Chicopee, Mass.

What year was Springfield Armory M1903 serial no 0121328 made?

Your Springfield model 1903 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1905 with the serial number that you have supplied.

What does a Springfield Sniper Rifle look like?

Springfield Sniper Rifle or M1903 Springfield rifle was an American 5-round, magazine fed, bolt action rifle used in the early part of 20th century. It was 1.098 meters long, weighed 3.95 Kgs, had a 16 inch long bayonet and had a wooden body.

Old 22-250 bolt action rifle and it says springfield on it it has a real wood stock and a raised cheek piece.?

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