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Medical judgment call. Usually yes, due to infection hazard, may be no, depending on where bullet is located. If you are not a physcian, I would suggest you find one, rather than seeking information from random strangers.

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Q: Should a bullet be removed from a gun wound?
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If the bullet could not be removed from a gun shot injury man then what cause of poisoning in his body?

Although many people believe it is lead poisoning, it is actually an infection, caused by bacteria carried into the wound by the bullet.

What does tumble mean from a gun shot wound?

It means the bullet began to rotate end-over-end through the wound channel.

What happens in hospital after you're gun shot?

Depends. They will clean the wound, attempt to locate the bullet by XRay. IF the bullet is not in or close to something important, they may decide to leave it there. Otherwise the patient would undergo surgery to remove the bullet, close the wound.

In what situation would it be more prudent to leave a bullet in the thigh and when left in what follow up should be done?

In most cases of gunshot wound with retained bullet, the bullet is left in place. This is much unlike the world Hollywood presents, where in every movie and TV show extracting the bullet quickly seems to be of utmost importance. However, the bullet should be removed if it is within or impinging on an important organ or structure, such as a main artery, lung, brain, heart, nerve, etc. Otherwise it is usually not necessary. Follow up is only required to make sure the gun shot wound itself heals, but following the retained bullet over time is unnecessary.

What should you do after treating a gun shot wound?

Call the police and get to a hospital

What would a doctor do if a person came in the building with a gun shot in the chest missing the important internal organs?

If a bullet actually missed all organs within the chest, there would be very little to do other than wound care for the bullet wound. However, most gun shot wounds to the chest result in a lung injury called a pneumothorax, after which a chest tube must be placed for a few days.

Would you need a cane if you had a gun shot wound to the shoulder?

If you got shot in the shoulder and the bullet wound was not treated properly, you would have to walk with the cane. Possibly for the rest of your life maybe just a few week or a couple of months.

Why does the bullet and gun have different acceleration?

The gun weighs MUCH more than the bullet.

What is the total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing?

The total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing is zero, as the gun and the bullet are at rest. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and since both the gun and the bullet are not moving, their momentum is zero.

Can you suvive a bullet shot?

Yes- depending on the injury caused by the bullet. Not every gun shot is a fatal shot. However, any gunshot CAN be a fatal one. People can die at once, or at a later time from the injury, or from infection that results from the wound.

Why the gun leans backward when the bullet fire from the gun?

It's the recoil from the force of the bullet being fired. The gun powder pushes the bullet forward and also equally pushes the gun back into your hand.

How do you shoot a gun with a bullet?

Affix the gun to a target. Load the bullet into a cartridge. Load the cartridge into a second gun. Aim carefully, squeeze the trigger. If you have done everything right, you will have shot the gun with a bullet.