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The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the U.S. guarantees the right to possess (own) and bear (carry) firearms. The consensus, today, is that certain criminal convictions (usually felonies or high level misdemeanors), along with crimes of violence committed with a firearm, acts of insurrection against the USofA, crimes of domestic violence, et alia - disqualify people who have been so convicted from owning and carrying firearms.

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Q: Should US citizens be allowed to carry guns?
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Should Guns be allowed for citizens to keep?

Yes. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens does nothing to improve crime.

Does Japan have strong restrictions on its people?

Japan has a restriction on its citizens and will not allow them to purchase guns. The only guns citizens are allowed to have are shotguns. The police in Japan did not carry firearms until 1946.

In Canada what kinds of guns are shops allowed to carry for sale?

In Canada, the kinds of guns that shops are allowed to carry for sale are only hand guns and semi-automatic guns. Fully automatic guns are not allowed to be sold.

Can prison inmates carry guns?

No, prisoners are not allowed to carry guns or any weapons for that matter.

Was you allowed to carry guns in the 1800s?


Is it legal to carry guns in Greece?

nostun guns and pepper spray are legal i think but no firearms are allowed

Are security guards allowed to carry guns?

A typical security guard is not allowed to carry a gun. There are security guards that carry guns, but they must get additional permits and training for this. Guards without guns can do what is called a private arrest. Security guards with guns generally work for the government, military, casinos or some other money bearing entity.

Why are guns allowed?

Because the majority of voters feel they should be allowed.

Should police carry guns on the beat?


Why should we be able to carry guns?

to scare people

Were German people allowed to own guns?

While private citizens in Germany did own guns, there have been many restrictions and limitations over the years. Prior to the start of World War 2, the German government began a program of registration, and later, confiscation of guns from private citizens. Citizens in Germany may own guns today, but again, with limitations.

If legitimate folks were allowed to carry guns into schools and other forbidden places wouldn't they stop some of these shooters?

I agree that having security personnel on school campuses would help to deter and take down shooters but don't think teachers should carry guns in the classroom.