Brunswick, MD
Frederick County, Winchester,Va. 22602
81 miles
Katrine, VA
Usually about 3 days
The midpoint between Mays Landing, NJ, and Roanoke, VA, is near Winchester, VA. This location is approximately equidistant between the two cities based on a straight-line distance calculation.
The address of the Preservation Of Historic Winchester is: 530 Amherst St, Winchester, VA 22601-3802
It is 80.5 miles according to Google Maps.
The address is: 170 Shady Elm Road Winchester, VA 22602-2544 Can someone provide me with the phone number?
How much does it cost to drill a water well in Winchester VA
Al Montgomery died April 26, 1942, in Waverly, VA, USA.
It is 219 kilometers according to Google Maps.