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Q: Is a sawed off shotgun legal in Mississippi?
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What is the law in Oregon for sawed off shotgun?

is it legal to own a double barrel shotgun in the state of OREGON

Is a sawed off shotgun legal in the state of FL?

A shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches is regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934. It's not legal anywhere.

Where does one buy a sawed off shotgun?

You can buy a sawed off shotgun online on the website of Serbu. They have a really nice looking sawed off shotgun called "Super Shorty". Super Shorty is available for $925. and $25. for shipping.

What is the law in Ca about sawed off shotgun barrel?

In California, it is illegal to possess or manufacture a sawed-off shotgun with a barrel length of less than 18 inches, unless it is properly registered with the appropriate authorities and meets specific legal requirements. Possessing an unregistered or unlawfully modified sawed-off shotgun is a felony offense in California.

Can a sawed off shotgun kill someone?

yes, if a shotgun can kill someone, then a sawed one can too because they are more deadly

Are sawed off shotguns legal in CA?

Depends on how much of the barrel is sawed off.

What is better a shotgun blade or a sawed off shotgun blade adventure quest?

there is none

What are the charges for possession of a sawed off shotgun in Indiana?

Tampering with a weapon. Either way ur turning something legal to illegal nowadays they try and get you for whatever they can. Sawed off shotguns are illegal because no reason for it unless to conceal or kill and I hear sawed off oposed to regular barrel size is groosume to get hit with

Are sawed off shotguns legal in South Carolina?

sawed off shotguns are legal in South Carolina as long as the barrel is a minimum of 18-inches.

What are the release dates for Renegade - 1992 Sawed-Off Shotgun Wedding 4-1?

Renegade - 1992 Sawed-Off Shotgun Wedding 4-1 was released on: USA: 11 September 1995

What make is the Army of darkness shotgun?

sawed-off double barreled 12 gauge Remington shotgun.

How much for a era sawed off shotgun?

100 - 200 US dollars