These were made from 1938- early 1950's. I have may grandfather's, model 6A, a tube loading semi-auto, in very usable condition, made in Utica, NY.
Stevens and Springfield merged with Savage. Check customer service at Savage arms.
Stevens model 62 savage arms 22 caliber/30 round clip
yes my father has one i too am looking for info on it.
He wore number 49.
The model 17-2 was produced from 1961 to 1967.
If we are talking about the model 15 favorite,which was a chambered in .22lr,.22WRF,or 25 or 32 rimfire?These rifles were made from 1915-1940.
How or the 30rd mags for model 597 22lr doing
The savage/Stevens model 74 single shot falling block action rifle was made from 1972-1989.It is chambered in .22LR caliber with a 22in round barrel,open sights,color case hardened frame,and a straight stock.
The Stevens model 44 Ideal single shot rifle,which was chambered for .22LR thru 44-40WCF cartridges was produced from 1894-1932.
looking for firing pin and pin spring for 1905 savage 22lr
If yours is a standard Savage model 24 in 22LR/over 410 gauge configuration then the value will be between 185-335 dollars for a rifle showing between 60%-90% of its original finish and a good set of bores.