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To get a correct answer you should find a lawyer who specializes in firearms law.

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Q: In the state of Missouri can a person convicted of a felony 21 years ago and has had no other convictions have a rifle or shotgun in the home?
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In the state of Missouri can a person convicted of a felony 21 years ago have a shotgun or rifle owned by your wife be in the home?

You need to consult a lawyer familiar with firearms law.

What rights do I lose in Missouri if convicted of a felony?

When a person is convicted of a felony in the state of Missouri, they lose many rights that are given to people that are not felons. Examples of rights that are lost include the right to vote, and the right to be in possession of a fire arm.

Can an employer find out if you were convicted of a felony 20 years ago in another state?

Yes, unless the record was sealed or expunged. Felony convictions remain on your record indefinitely.

In Michigan how long will a charge of forgery remain on your record?

Felony convictions are a permanent part of the convicted person's record. The SOL applicable for a felony charge of forgery (the person is not brought to trial and convicted) is 6 years from the time the person was originally charged.

Can those with felony convictions vote?

States that revoke all voting rights of the convicted for life:VirginaStates that permit currently incarcerated felons to vote:MaineVermontEighteen states allow people with felony convictions to vote upon completion of all supervised release.Sixteen states allow people with felony convictions to vote upon completion of parole.Thirteen states and the District of Columbia allow people with felony convictions to vote upon release from prison, regardless of whether they are on parole or not.

Can person's convicted of a felony be excluded from voting in Missouri?

All persons convicted of felonies are excluded from voting in the US. (Unless they have their rights restored.)

Can you own a gun in virginia if charged but not convicted of a felony?

Convictions- or a charge pending trial- is a disqualifier. Charged, but charge dropped or found not guilty- NOT a disqualifier.

How do you avoid a felony conviction if charged with a felony?

Get a good criminal lawyer who can offer a strong defense, or who can plea bargain down to a misdemeanor.

Convicted of saw off shotgun charges what sentence no record?

This is a felony, which is typically a sentence of 12 months or more.

Can you become a private investigator if you have been convicted of a felony?

It depends on the state and the nature of the felony. In some states, individuals with felony convictions may be prohibited from obtaining a private investigator license. It's important to check the specific licensing requirements in the state where you are seeking to become a private investigator.

How should you state on a job application that you were convicted of a misdemeanor?

Not unless it specifically asks that. Most job applications that ask about criminal record usually only ask about felony convictions.

Can a person convicted of a felony in ct be bonded?

I think that it all depends on the state, and what the statutes are. In the state of Minnesota, if you have had prior felony convictions, you can have bail set at the arraingment hearing. If you mean, convicted of a felony and then asking for bail or bond to be set, I also belive that it depends on the crime, flee possibilities before actual sentencing and what you are actually looking at as far as time to be served in either Jail or Prison.