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Depends on what state you are in. In MOST of the US, there IS no requirement to register a gun.

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Q: How to register a gun when previous owner is unknown?
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Take it to the NRA.

Do you have to register a hand gun in IL?

No. However, to possess or purchase firearms or ammunition, residents must have a Firearm Owner's Identification card, which is issued by the state police. They don't register guns, just gun owners.

How can you find the previous owner of a gun?

You cannot. There is not a national registration system for firearms. Hopefully, there never will be.

How can you register for firing at ranges in Michigan?

You would have to go to your local gun shop and register your firearm there. Then, after completing that, you would have to go the gun range and register yourself there, with your gun permit.

Can you register a gun oline?

Depends on where you are. In MOST of the US, there is no requirement to register an ordinary firearm. There is also no place to register a gun- on line or otherwise.

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Where can you get a unknown Nerf gun?

The answer is, ironically, unknown.

Where do you register your gun in Texas?

Texas does not require gun registration.

Where can you find who previously owned a gun you purchased?

You can't get this information unless the previous owner(s) tell you. There is no central registry that keeps track of firearms ownership.