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This is the canned answer to the general question "how much is my gun worth".

There is no way that this can be determined via a description of the firearm because condition of the item is critical to its value. In addition, whether the gun is considered to be modern or antique will significantly affect not only its value but its saleability in some jurisdictions.

The steps necessary to assess a firearm are to first Clearly identify the manufacturer and model of the firearm along with serial number and significant features. Many people choose to not report the full serial number but instead disguise the least significant digits i.e. 1234XX. Features such as finish, barrel length, custom engraving or carving, and stock material may be significant. It may be useful to consult some of the books on gun values such as "The Official Gun Digest Book if Guns & Prices", the "Official Price Guide to Antique and Modern Firearms", the "Standard Catalog of Firearms", or "Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms". All of these resources can provide information for identifying the firearm. The grading systems used to assign values are usually similar between the books although there can be differences. Once the firearm has been identified and condition determined, the "fair market value" can be assessed by consulting the internet market. and can both provide input as to a gun's present market value. If gun shops and/or gun shows are available in your area, taking your gun in for professional inspection can be informative. Look for businesses or individuals who specialize or deal in that type of gun (take a Luger to a Luger collector rather than a shotgun collector). Remember that these people are in the business and will be looking for a "good deal" if one presents itself.

Guns, like everything else, usually aren't worth as much as we would like but they can have appreciable value.

Good luck.


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