Without more information about the condition of the rifle, it is not possible to answer you. Daisy never made a model 1000 in 1959. It was made in 1997 and has been discontinued.
What condition is it in
What condition is it in...
The Daisy Model 1000 was sold through Western Auto from 1957-1958. In good condition it is worth between $40-$50.
Which model Daisy are you asking about, and what is the condition of the BB gun? Excellent. Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor? This information is needed to answer your question.
Your missing two items in order to get an answer. What model? What condition is the gun in?
It would be worth between $45 and $70 dollars
Daisy never made a 1000 BB gun (that I know of) however they made several versions of the Model 1000 BB rifle. Your best answer should come from Daisy. They offer a free service to tell you about your old Daisy. See the link below
Daisy made several model 1000 over the years. I suggest you contact Daisy at the link below
200 to 1000 dollars
i would rather go to laser tag porfetional.
The Daisy model 1938-B was new in 1979. In like now condition it is worth $40 ( Bluebook of airguns)