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20-80 usd

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Q: How much is a American Weapons Corporation Frontier model derringer 22 serial number 5374 worth?
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Related questions

When was the end of the American Frontier?

The Census of 1890. With the end of this American Frontier, it discovered so many American frontier collections like clothing & accessories, knives & swords, decor and other weapons.

What is the price and age of a hy hunter manufacturing frontier derringer serial number 9289?

American Weapons Corp of Burbank CA used the nickname of their President, Haywood Hunter, on many of the guns they imported from West Germany in the 1960s. Company is long gone, no public records. Values are quite low, typically in the $40 range.

What weapons start with d?

· dagger · depth charge · derringer · dumb bell · dynamite

Is a license required for a derringer gun?

Depends on countries some are category D, requiring no weapons permit to own or carry

What role did Britain play in the conflict between the US and American Indians?

Great Britain was always supportive of Native Americans on the western frontier of the thirteen colonies. In the Proclamation 1763, the Crown closed off the frontier to colonial settlement. After the Revolution, the British gave weapons to Indians.

Who provided the weapons for the first American units?

France provided the weapons for the first American units.

What role did Great Britain play in the conflict between the US and American Indians or the western frontier?

Great Britain was always supportive of Native Americans on the western frontier of the thirteen colonies. In the Proclamation 1763, the Crown closed off the frontier to colonial settlement. After the Revolution, the British gave weapons to Indians.

Who provide the weapons for the first American unit?

There is not any information available about who provided weapons to the first American unit. However, most weapons were in American production even though they had been inspired by weapons used by the Native Americans and the British.

Who provided the weapons for first American unit?

There is not any information available about who provided weapons to the first American unit. However, most weapons were in American production even though they had been inspired by weapons used by the Native Americans and the British.

Who provided the weapons for the first American unit?

There is not any information available about who provided weapons to the first American unit. However, most weapons were in American production even though they had been inspired by weapons used by the Native Americans and the British.

Who provided weapons for the first American unit?

There is not any information available about who provided weapons to the first American unit. However, most weapons were in American production even though they had been inspired by weapons used by the Native Americans and the British.

How do you reload your weapons on dead frontier online?

You reload automatically when you use up ammo. To manually reload press r.