None. They all died because another person didn't want them to live. The instrument used is immaterial. Dead because someone used a bat instead of a firearm is still dead. You might as well ask how many people died by drowning in a pool.
No one source of information.
None. Another person killed them. If you are interested in the objects used to kill others, try the FBI UCR.
that particular category of death is not tracked.
Impossible to answer without knowing what you mean by illegal handguns.
OVer 400,000 US citizens died in WW2.
how many people died today from the earthquake new Madrid fault line
There are millions every year.
200,000 people died from drinking
2,402 US service people died during the attack.
No exact answer, as there is no exact record- a good estimate is about 120 million privately owned handguns in the US.
alote of people died alote of people died