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No way to answer your question. In the US, there is no requirement under Federal law to register firearms, so no records of how many guns total, It is estimated that at least 25% of US households have at least one firearm.

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Q: How many legally owned guns in US?
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How many guns that are owned in the US?

No one record. Estimates are about 310 million guns.

How many illegal guns are in the US?

None. When made, 99.9% are legal, no matter where made. Just because it's against the law for YOU to own it doesn't make the weapon illegal. Technically the above is correct however as guns are not required to be registered in all states it is impossible to say how many are owned legally. Guns that are owned illegally are obviously not registered so there is no way to know how many there are.

Can citizens of the us legally own guns?

Yes. About one third of us that are adults do own guns. Legally.

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37,400 JK i have no clue thats how many legally owned farraris there are no lie.

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37,400 JK i have no clue thats how many legally owned farraris there are no lie.

How many people owned guns in 2006?

You will have to tell us what you really want to know. In the US? In Europe? In the world? Military? Civilian?

How many hand guns are there in the US?

No exact answer, as there is no exact record- a good estimate is about 120 million privately owned handguns in the US.

Can you get automatic guns?

Depends on what you mean by automatic guns, and the law where you live. You did not tell us where that is, so there is no way we can answer. Where I live you CAN legally own fully automatic firearms (machine guns) but they are horribly expensive. An M16 rifle that may be owned by a private citizen is between $12,000 and $16,000.

How many women owned guns in 2011?

No records, since in most of the US, guns and gun owners are not registered. A very rough estimate in in the millions of women.

How many legal guns are there in the us?

No exact record, since there is no requirement to register guns in MOST of the US. One estimate is 312 million owned by ordinary people.There are an estimated 200 million legal guns in the United States.

What is the percent of us citizens that own guns legally?

60% or so

How many guns are in the US of AmericaRead?

There are no exact records, since there is no national registry of ordinary firearms. It is ESTIMATED that about 310 million firearms are privately owned in the US.