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Q: How long is the L96 sniper rifle?
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What is the difference between a well l96 airsoft sniper rifle and a well l96 awp sniper rifle?

There is no difference.

Which is better the UTG L96 or well L96 airsoft sniper rifle?

The UTG L96

What is a good Airsoft Sniper Rifle?

The Well L96 is a good airsoft sniper rifle, so is the new Tokyo Marui L96, VSR-10 and VSR-10 G-spec. yes i am getting the l96 sniper and it is absolutley amazing for the price, i would recommend the l96 I would have to go with the l96 warrior

Is the L96 Sniper Rifle chambered in 5.56 mm?

No, it is a .338.

Whats the best airsoft sniper rifle?

UTG Shadow ops airsoft sniper rifle (L96 Type 96)

What do you do if bbs fall out the barrel of my L96 sniper rifle?

Find a repair shop

What better a double eagle m50 sniper rifle airsoft bb gun or a warrior mb-01 l96 airsoft sniper rifle?

It depends what you need it for. If you need a large heavy sniper for woodland get the l96. But if you want a light tactical sniper which is good for urban warfare aswell get the m50.

Whitch is a better gun the well mb05 awm aps2 airsoft sniper rifle or the tsd type l96 spring action sniper rifle?

Definately the L96 ive had it for a while and it hasn't broke p.s.-Damn that thing is powerful

Where can you find a good airsoft sniper?'s Well l96 spring rifle is the gun of my choosing

Were can you buy well l96 airsoft sniper rifle in the UK?

try crw-airsoft

Does it hurt to get hit by the L96 airsoft sniper rifle at a distance?

Getting shot by anything is not an experience you want.

Which is better l96 or dragunov airsoft sniper rifle?

neither they are useless in battle and stop playing black ops