Butterfly knives are defined as a type of "locking gravity knife" in most law since it opens and locks automatically by the force of gravity (inertia or centrifugal force). In US law, the government can only impact butterfly knife legality REGARDLESS OF SIZE where they have been able to apply commercial transactions substantially affecting interstate commerce (the Commerce Clause) in the Constitution. Or, where they have other jurisdiction, like the US Mail, military bases, Federal lands, Indian Reservations, or Washington DC. Thank the 2nd Amendment for that. In North Carolina, similarly, they can make the butterfly knife illegal to carry on school grounds REGARDLESS OF SIZE since there is other precedent (NC14-269.2... (d)). Again, thank your 2nd Amendment rights. To answer your question then, it seems that it is case law that defines the knife's legality, saying "Knife about 4-1/2 inches in overall length which, when folded, was clearly designed for carrying in a pocket or purse, was an 'ordinary pocketknife' as defined by this section." (1989) -- referring to section NC14-269 ... except in your own home then, this would be a concealed weapon in NC. So it may not be as much the type of knife as much as the overall length or where you are carrying it that will make it illegal.
butterfly knives are legal but they must be under 3.5 inches. Balisong trainers are legal however.
Balisong knives, also called butterfly knives, are legal in Illinois.
no butterfly knives are legal in nc i just wouldn't carry one around anywhere
If you have a flying liscense.
NO! they are a prohibited weapon
I've looked through every South Carolina knife law I can find, and I can't see anything about specific types of knives being illegal. I was looking for butterfly knives and switchblades in particular. The only relevant law I found was you can't carry any type of concealed weapon without a permit. Short answer: Yes, but not concealed carry.
A standard pocket knife or folding knife no longer than 4.5 inches in the closed position is legal to carry. I believe daggers, bowie, spring loaded or butterfly knives are not legal to carry.
Butterfly knives are illegal only if you are carrying them with intent to harm. It is legal for you to own them and keep them at home--for collection. You can also get a trainer, this is legal to carry.
Yes they are
No they are still illegal in Washington