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What caliber? What bullet weight? How far away from the muzzle? What is the ambient temperature? How close to the equator? What continent? What angle is the bullet going to impact at?

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Q: How fat do you have to be to stop a bullet?
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How can you stop a speeding bullet in your mouth?

You really cant, its impossible, unless you have metal teeth and were using a very very small bullet, but if not, its could always ask a fat lady to stop it with her big butt

Do you use a full stop when you've used a bullet point?

No, typically a full stop is not used at the end of a bullet point unless the bullet point is a complete sentence. If each bullet point is a complete sentence, then it's appropriate to use a full stop at the end.

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How Do you Stop A Werewolf?

you have to shoot it with a gold bullet.

How does bullet train stop?

i have no idea my self

Will a magnet stop a bullet?

A magnet alone will not typically stop a bullet. Magnets do not have the ability to physically block or deflect bullets. Bullets are primarily stopped by body armor or other materials designed to absorb and dissipate the bullet's kinetic energy.

Can you be so fat that it will stop a bullet?

If the said bullet was being shot at you from a projectile triggered weapon, aka a gun, then no, no amount of fat will shield you from a bullet travelling at a hightened speed via it's projection and fire based propellent as a gun. Yet if someone threw a bullet at you, or more preferably, your stomach, the misplacement of firepower and speed will render the bullet pointless, thus not peircing your skin, i.e. 'hitting' you in terms of a gun. So if your going to imitate the matrix whilst carrying an extra bit of weight round the middle, then make sure your cardboard cutouts of the agents don't use guns.

Can an austentite surgical steel bar of about a cm in depth stop a bullet or a knife?

Yes, an austentite steel bar would stop both a bullet and a knife.

What are the release dates for MANswers - 2007 How to Stop a Bullet 3-2?

MANswers - 2007 How to Stop a Bullet 3-2 was released on: USA: 9 December 2009

Can a silver platter stop an armor piercing bullet?


Will mercury stop a bullet?

If there's enough of it, it could.

What would better stop a bullet a cow or a car?

The only time that a car will stop a bullet is if you are in Hollywood, or have an armour-plated vehicle. A cow interposing itself between the bullet and yourself would reduce it velocity significantly more.