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The path is close to a parabola.

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Q: How far does a hollow point bullet travel before it hits the ground fired from a .32 cal derringer handgun?
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How far will a 9mm bullet travel before it begins to fall?

A 9mm bullet will typically travel around 1,500 meters (1,640 yards) before gravity starts causing it to fall to the ground. This distance can vary depending on factors such as the bullet weight, velocity, and angle of fire.

When you shoot a gun does its bullet drop?

What do you think?!!! yes, you see, when someone shoots a handgun, (lets assume a 45.) and you aim at a staight angle (180 degrees) then the bullet will drop to the ground totally at about 200 yards. That's why people have to arc all guns and other weapons.

Will a bullet travel the same distance straight up that it would horizontally?

No. The horizontal distance depends on how close the the ground the gun is. From the firing position, a bullet dropped to the ground will strike the ground in the same time as a bullet shot horizontally forward.

How deep can a bullet go into the ground?

To many variables. Depends on caliber of bullet, type of dirt, type of ammo, distance from gun to ground,etc...

Is it possible to shoot a bullet into space from the ground on earth?

No, it is not possible to shoot a bullet into space from the ground on Earth. Bullets fired from firearms do not have enough velocity to escape Earth's gravity and reach space. Additionally, there are aerodynamic forces, air resistance, and other factors that would prevent a bullet from traveling to space.

Which bullet strikes the ground first the one that is fires from a rifle or the one that from the rest?

A bullet fired parallel to the gound, over flat ground, and a bullet dropped at the same time from same height will hit the ground at a time so close to each other as to be the same.

If you fired a bullet and it never dropped would it orbit the earth and hit you?

No, the bullet would not orbit the Earth and hit you. Gravity would eventually pull the bullet down towards the ground due to atmospheric drag and other gravitational forces. The bullet's initial velocity and trajectory would determine how far it would travel before hitting the ground.

How far does a bullet travel horizontally before gravity has an effect and takes over Is Newtons law correct that the bullet will hit the ground at the same time if it were simply dropped?

A bullet fired horizontally will travel a significant distance before gravity affects its trajectory. Newton's law states that all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity, regardless of their horizontal speed. Therefore, if a bullet were dropped from the same height as a fired bullet, they would hit the ground at the same time.

When a bullet leaves a gun the bullet has what type of energy?

The bullet has kinetic energy when it leaves the gun, as it is in motion.

What is the range of a 9mm bullet fired horizontally from a height of six feet?

The range of a bullet fired horizontally will depend on its initial velocity. Assuming a typical handgun velocity of around 1000 feet per second, the range can be calculated using the horizontal velocity and the time it takes for the bullet to hit the ground. At 1000 feet per second, the range could be around 660 feet.

Can a bullet ricochet off frozen ground?

Yes, a bullet can potentially ricochet off frozen ground. When a bullet strikes frozen ground at an angle, it may bounce off unpredictably due to the hardness and uneven surface of the frozen ground. This can create a dangerous situation for anyone in the vicinity.

How far can a bullet fly?

The distance a bullet can travel depends on the type of firearm and ammunition used, as well as factors such as muzzle velocity, air resistance, and gravity. For example, a typical handgun bullet can travel up to 1-2 miles, while a high-powered rifle bullet can travel over 3 miles under certain conditions.