Place on fire, pull trigger, then unlock the bolt and pull back, will have a little resistance.
As with all firearms make sure rifle is unloaded and pointed in safe direction.
I believe that the marlin model 783 holds 7 rounds.
13650665 is the serial number. It is a Marlin 783 22 wmr rifle. what year model is it?
50-90 dollars depending on overall condition of your Marlin model 783.
But listing the serial number of your Marlin in this question.
Your Marlin model 783 was made in the year 1971.
The best that I can do is say that your marlin model 783 was made between the years 1971-1988.
I can say that the Marlin model 783 has not been made sense 1988.
Bolt removal on this model is fairly straightforward and simple. First work the bolt to the rear as if to chamber a shell. Second pull trigger and continue to pull the bolt to the rear and it will slide out the back of the reciever. To reinstall bolt complete this sequence in reverse.
Between 50-75 dollars.
Your marlin should be marked on the side of the barrel as to which type of 22 ammo it needs.example of 22 short,22long.22 long rifle,22magnum.
Try Numrich Gun Parts Corp.
The book prices are. Poor-150-200$ Fair-200-250$ Perfect-300-500$