Remove the stock and you will see what is keeping the bolt from sliding out.
on the 22 model 121 to remove the bolt, open the bolt, pull the trigger and slide the bolt to the rear.
How do you remove cap on armrest
. to remove the bolt on this model you must lower the tube assembly,there is a screw under the stock, remove stock first.
You need to ask a gunsmith for assistance.
Retract the bolt action to it's furthest open position. Pull the trigger which will release the bolt retaining latch, allowing the bolt to be removed from the rifle.
make sure the gun is nit loaded and remove the bolt all the way then pull the trigger with one hand and give the bolt a slight tug pulling back and it should slip out
You have to remove the barrel. Take the stock off and you will see the nut that holds a "U" clip in place. The clipp holds the barrell. Remove clip, slide barrel out, then the bolt will also slide out.
Put the safety on.....and while pulling back on the trigger (make sure gun is unloaded first) the pull the bolt rearward and remove the bolt. Putting the bolt back in is just the reverse...slide the bolt back in while pulling the trigger back first...the bolt will slide right in. JR
Move the safety forward to the 'fire' position, then open the bolt. As you are sliding the bolt to the open position, pulling the trigger will allow the bolt to be removed.
100-500 or so
remove the buttplate screws, and the buttplate. In the large round hole in the stock is the stock bolt. That is unscrewed to remove the stock from the rifle.