If you use Naval Jelly on it, it can get the coloring of the metal discolored. If you use a course sandpaper and put a lot of work into it you will get it off. If you don't mind swirl marks you can use an electric sander or wire brush. Once you start seeing virgin metal use a very fine grade of sand paper, then use a buffing polish. Some guys even keep WD 40 or other rust inhibitor products on their swords.
Rust remover is a liquid that can be used to remove rust. A homemade rust remove is white vinegar. It can be sprayed directly onto the rust.
It is not correct.
By using white vinegar we could remove rust from plastic.
Water and aluminum foil can remove surface rust on the chrome of a gun. Steel wool can also be used to remove rust. It is advised to never use a oil to remove rust or to clean a gun.
it dos'nt it makes rust
Bricks don't rust
Most sword blades are metal, using a bit of oil on a pad of steel wool (DO NOT USE SOAP PADS) rubbed gently along the blade will not only remove paint it will remove rust as well. If the paint is on the handle or scabbard , removing paint will depend entirely on what the handle and/or scabbard are made of.
I think it might remove rust AND pipes. Be careful with that stuff.
The best way to remove rust from a chrome with bodywork is to take your car to an autobody shop. They are the best people that can remove rust from chrome.
I had the same uestion it does not remove rust however it does not cause any rust I know this because in my science experiment (the pepsi did not receive any rust). I hope that this answers your question
The best product to remove rust is limeaway. That stuff will remove anything staining including rust. It will not damage the actual item that was rusted. Only the rust will be removed.
The substance commonly used to remove rust from metal is called vinegar.