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A nonlicensee may not transfer a firearm to a non-licensed resident of another State. A nonlicensee may mail a shotgun or rifle to a resident of his or her own State or to a licensee in any State. The Postal Service recommends that long guns be sent by registered mail and that no marking of any kind which would indicate the nature of the contents be placed on the outside of any parcel containing firearms. Handguns are not mailable. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun.

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Q: How do you mail a rifle?
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Can you mail separate components of a rifle?

You can mail an entire rifle or shotgun thru the US Mail- it must be unloaded. You will find that in chapter 14 of the Domestic Mail Manual, under Restricted Mailings. IF the owership of the rifle is being changed, and it is going to another state, it must go TO a firearms dealer in that state.

Your dad in new york wants to give you his rifle you live in ga can he mail it?

my dad has a rifle he wants to give me he lives in new york and I live in GA can he mail it?

Can you ship a rifle through the mail to Europe?

I highly doubt it.

Can you send an air rifle through mail?

(in the US) Yes, you may.

Can you mail a rifle to another state?

Depending on exactly what you are mailing the answer is either yes or no.

Can you mail a rifle from Canada to US?

Firearms that are imported into the US must go through a legal process- and it is much more complicated than simply dropping the rifle in the mail. As your question is phrased, my answer would have to be probably not. Sorry-

Where was lee Harvey oswald's rifle bought?

He bought his rifle by mail-order in March , some 6 months before he shot Kennedy.

Where did Lee Harvey Oswald buy his rifle?

the rifle, a mannlicher-carcano rifle, is in the US national archives.

When did Lee Harvey Oswald buy his rifle?

He bought it by mail-order in March of 1963.

What state did oswald buy his rifle from?

Purchased by mail from Klein's Sporting Goods, Chicago, IL

Can you receive rifle ammo through the mail?

yes; UPS ground marked ORD-M

Where can you get or download an instruction manual for a weihrauch hw57 air rifle?

I would contact them by e-mail and ask for a manual, their e-mail address is