Your shotgun is a Mossbeg 500. made by them for Sears. Go to the Mossberg website, customer serivce, owners manual, and download the manual for your shotgun.
Well, isn't that a lovely question. To disassemble a Sears Ted Williams Model 75 20 gauge shotgun, you'll want to start by making sure the gun is unloaded. Then, carefully remove the forend and barrel before taking out the bolt and trigger assembly. Remember to handle each part gently and with care, like you would a delicate brush on a canvas. Happy disassembling, my friend.
The Sears model 200 is a Winchester Model 1200.
The Sears Ted Williams 200 is a Winchester 1200.
my husband has the ted Williams model 21 12-guage shotgun and we were wondering the value of the gun
my husband has the ted Williams model 21 12-guage shotgun and we were wondering the value of the gun
It is the Winchester model 1400, made for Sears.
Winchester, same as model 1400.
Marlin High Standard made the Model 75 20 ga semi-auto shotgun for Sears
The Ted Williams 200 shotgun was manufactured by Winchester and was the same gun as their Model 1200.
High Standard made the Model 75 for Sears.
The Sears Ted Williams Model 300, semi-auto, shotguns were made by Winchester. The Sears 300 is the same as the Winchester Model 1400.